meeo is a laboratory and online sales platform for flowers and greenery, naturally treated to last over time, without the need for maintenance.

We have searched for and selected over 100 natural species from around the world.
We worked hard, because choosing preserved flowers is not just an act of selection: it is a sustainable choice, a statement of lasting design .

We really like the idea that even what is small is chosen with care because it protects us a little from the trap of materialism, of the rush for things, and our idea of ​​sustainability is ultimately precisely this: offering products of quality that lasts a long time and is accessible to a wide audience.

The name meeo [mì•o] comes from a phonetic game that recalls the shopping experience we want to stimulate: the possibility of combining individual floral elements in infinite compositional possibilities, declined according to one's taste and personality.

Who is meeo ?

We are a heterogeneous team that recognizes itself in the desire to do business responsibly by promoting sustainable development models, female empowerment processes and the enhancement of artisan experiences.

We come from the world of flowers, visual arts and cultural mediation, we believe that the diversity of our experiences is the matrix of our uniqueness and we are always open to new contaminations.

Drop us a line to if you want to know more or are interested in collaborating with us.

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