Wood's Whisper
The Wood series created by Flower Design Livia Selli is inspired by the evocative atmospheres of the wild and uncontaminated nature of the woods. The Whisper Bouquet is conceived starting from the light and ethereal structure of the Nebbia tree which houses a selection of roses with intense and twilight colours. The eucalyptus gives movement and lightness to the composition.
- Length: approx. 60cms
- Width: approx. 20cm
- Duration: years, if treated with delicacy
- This is a Bouquet composed of real flowers, whose beauty is preserved through the 100% natural stabilization process. It does not require water, light or any maintenance.
- It is shipped in a recycled cardboard box which protects the bouquet until it reaches its destination.
Usage tips
The Bouquet arrives ready to be placed in your favorite vase (vase not included).
It is recommended for indoor use. Try not to expose it to direct sunlight to avoid premature aging of the flowers that compose it.